Welcome to Zulu Brides
(Mon - Sat)

About Zulu Brides

Our success story is that we have grown to become on of the leading traditional attire business in KwaZulu Natal and have managed to reach customers as far as the United State of America, who often buy the attire as souvenirs. We have built a strong clientele and market base for ourselves and have placed our business on a level which many rivalries would envy. We have dressed up many celebrities, high profile individuals and have graced many important occasions. Our business has been profiled in several newspapers’ articles, radio stations and we have developed strong working relations with the eThekwini Municipality Small Business Unit. Our commitment and experience have earned us a top spot as a destination of choice for most people in KwaZulu Natal who wish to hire or buy any garment or jewellery that is traditional especially in Zulu customary wear.



Our Mission

  • To create and promote love for the African culture through clothing and accessories.
  • To strive to give excellent service to our clients and customers.
  • To create memorable experiences where people can appreciate their ceremonies through culture.
  • To be a leading brand of the people and expand our product and services with more African authentic attire.

Our Vision

We remain committed to customer satisfaction and ensure that our products are ethically sourced, our suppliers provide quality workmanship, and our market is sustainable and is recognised all over the world.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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